39 thoughts on “What is better?

  1. I don’t know if one is better … But I will always speak up, especially to benefit another and why would looking an idiot be such a bad thing? I guess that’s the answer. Be well, spread light and grow.💛

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  2. parisianpages

    opening one’s mouth and sounding like an idiot . i do the first one all the time and it bothers me but i’m not at the point of speaking my mind yet..but i’m working on it .

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  3. The Otaku Judge

    The first option gets my vote. Too many daft things are said just because people do not appreciate silence and feel compelled to say something.

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  4. neither is better, to be silent nor speak up…but it need not be an either/or proposition…it is only important that we know when to speak and when to be silent, that is the crucial issue and it sometimes takes a lifetime to figure those 2 out 😉🙄🤓😎👍🏽👌🏽🙌🏼

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  5. You know how people say that you can’t be smart and courageous at the same time? Well, it’s neither a lie, nor is it exactly true. It takes experience to know when it is the case, and when not, and experience requires failure as much as success. So, when someone says something of which your intuition says “this can’t be right”, then speak up. You will at least learn something new every time, no matter if you’re right or wrong

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