It’s mine

This idea,
Which I put into words.
     This idea,
      Is only mine.
This idea,
Seems like a curse.
       This idea,
       Doesn’t seem to have died.
This idea,
Doesn’t leave my mind.
         This idea,
          Swallows me,
           Engulfs me.
           It doesn’t abandon me.
Because it’s mine.
Just like the gold.
It doesn’t need to be told,
It just needs to be scrawled.

Woah!!! Two posts in a day!!! Somebody’s on fire!

And, as always, if you like what I write, do like, comment and follow! Its free anyway! 😀

Traffic jam mush

I want  to write something else, but I can’t. You know why? Traffic. Oh no, I’m not stuck in traffic ( Thank goodness! ), but I can hear the people disrupting it in the comfort of my own home.
These people are constantly playing extremely loud music. They’re blocking the roads. From the window, I can make out that the cars which I saw two hours ago, are still at the exact spot.
These people are celebrating a festival. Don’t get me wrong, I love festivals, but when I can CLEARLY hear the music they’re playing till my twenty-fifth floor flat, I get REALLY mad.
I genuinely feel that noise pollution is THE most underrated of all pollutions. We all talk about air, water and soil pollution, but for noise, we turn a deaf ear. All this noise is turning my brain into mush.
I have a few questions for the people who love blocking roads and who spread noise pollution:
1)Is it fun? Disrupting everyone’s weekend?
2)You’re extremely happy and you want to celebrate this thing you’re extremely excited about. Go for it! But really? Does this celebration come at a price of bursting everyone’s ear drums?
3)Why can’t you celebrate your celebration someplace private?
4)Isn’t it irritating? Celebrating on the road?
5)Is it honestly worth it?

Whew! Just had to rant about it! Had to get it off my chest. I want to hear your thoughts? Do people celebrate really noisy festivals around you? Do comment!

And as always, if you like what I write, do like, comment and follow! It’s free anyway!

And stay a U.M.A – unique mixture of awesomeness!

A few facts about me


Yassssssss!!!!! I started blogging exactly a month ago and I’ve got 100 followers now! Thank you everyone for the love! Keep it coming anyway!

So, I decided to tell you all a few facts about myself today!

1)My favorite colors are Scarlet Red and Electric blue. Honestly, I can never choose between them.

2)My favorite bands are Muse, Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco.

3)I get recurring dreams of an impending zombie apocalypse. I just love the idea of a zombie apocalypse. I always debate with myself – would it be better to hunt zombies, or to be a zombie and virtually live forever?

4)There was a time when I was obsessed with zodiac signs. Not anymore. But nonetheless, I’m a Libra.
All my fellow libras out there do comment!

5)I absolutely love exercise but hate climbing stairs. I would seriously go back in time to punch The inventor of stairs’ face. I’m not kidding. Not even a bit.

6)I absolutely love anime! My favorite anime of all time are Future Diary, Assassination Classroom, Parasyte, Itazura na Kiss, Danganronpa and Bleach!

7)If I could eat pasta in pink sauce all the time, I would. Pasta is love, pasta is life.

8)Whenever someone compliments me, I say two things –
a) Thank you!
b) I know right! I’m so awesome.
‘Cause life is too short to not take a compliment and not believe in yourself.

So, those are a few things about me. What’s your favorite movie or anime or book of all time? Do comment!

And, as always, if you like what I write, do like, comment and follow! It’s free anyway!! 🙂

Blogger Recognition Award


I have been feeling really awesome recently!!! I just broke my own record of 75 views in a day!! On 22nd August, I got 101 views!! And I’m very close to a 100 followers! Thanks for the love everyone! I’m gonna try harder now! I’m gonna blog more often! 🙂

Anywhoo, I’m all the more grateful! That’s because Lihn Tran nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award!!!!! Here’s to all my WordPress friends! Let’s get to know me a bit better! 😀

The following are the rules for this award :

1)Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

2)You cannot nominate yourself or the person who  has nominated you.

3)Write a post to show your award.

4)Give a brief story of why you started writing a blog.

5)Give a piece of advice to new bloggers.

6)Attach the award to the post (right click, and save then upload)

7)Comment on each blog and let them know that you have nominated them.

8)Provide a link to the award post you created.

Phew!! all done with these rules!

1)Why did I start blogging?

As I’ve mentioned before, the month of july had been particularly stressful for me. Every single day had been particularly filled with new challenges. I had been wanting to write for sometime now, but I just kept postponing it because the task seemed too tedious for me.I had not thought of a story. And although I’ve been amazing in the subject known as ‘English Literature’ all my life, I’d never written a full-fledged story. But then I made a new friend in that stressful month. He is an extremely successful blogger. And, he told me that if I should convert my thoughts into words. He told me that I should write no matter what, whether I have a story or not.Those sentences motivated me to start my own blog. 🙂

2)A piece of advice.

Well, just be PASSIONATE about reading and writing. If you can’t necessarily articulate while speaking,then just write.Write about anything. It could be your favourite anime or books or Tv show. Write on any topic that you’re interested in. And just be yourself. 🙂

Another piece of advice would be to like, comment and follow other blogs who share the same passions as you do. That’s the easiest way of making friends in this giant, unending sea known as ‘The internet.’ That way other fellow bloggers will know what an awesome blog you have and will like, comment and follow your blog too!

I’ve just started blogging a month ago, but I’ve learned a lot, and I’m still learning. But I can describe blogging in three words :- Passion, Frustration and Elation! These three emotions rule anyone who’s blogging.

So, the fellow bloggers I nominate for this awesome award are :-

  1. The awesome blogger E. I WONG who’s few words make a lot of impact.
  2. The amazing blogger Akanksha Lakra who promotes self-love.
  3. The awesome blogger blliteration who’s poems are pretty descriptive.
  4. The amazing blogger Ashelynj who’s quotes are motivational and uplifting.
  5. The awesome blogger gxxbyeagony who’s posts are super relatable!
  6. The amazing blogger babysteps22 who’s rants are pretty accurate
  7. The awesome blogger bensbitterblog who makes bitter definitely better.
  8. The amazing blogger Damyanti who blogs wonderfully about self-love and fiction.
  9. The awesome blogger regina5000 who’s posts are hilarious and relatable.
  10. The amazing blogger John White who’s short poems make a statement.
  11. The awesome blogger Kim Honiball who’s love of reading inspires me to write.
  12. The amazing blogger hidewaygirl who’s super relatable and talks about the perks of being a teen.
  13. The awesome blogger Kait King who’s prolificity continues to astound me.
  14. The amazing blogger Blair King who’s poems speak volumes!
  15. The awesome blogger daziigirl who’s anime reviews and suggestions are on point.

OH MY GOD!!! I’ve never typed so much! This has to be my longest post till now!

Ps. Typing all this took me over an hour. And I’ve got two tests tomorrow! Haha! I’m such a rebel!

And as always, if you like what I write, do like, comment and follow! It’s free anyway!

Until next time! 🙂

‘THAT’ person

Ever looked at that really awesome person, you know, the one who looks good, feels good, is always surrounded by many people and an invisible aura of coolness.
Of course you have. We all have. And you say to yourself ,”Why can’t I be like that person?”
Well, you can’t. He’s a completely different person altogether. How can we even measure two human beings? It’s like measuring apples and oranges. Completely irrelevant.
But all you people out there who want that aura of coolness, I’ll tell you the secret. Just LOVE yourself. Before saying ‘I love you’ to someone else, say it to yourself. If you don’t like yourself, how the hell else is someone gonna like you?!
Just be YOU. Honestly,you are a unique mixture of awesomeness or U.M.A. Be proud of yourself! For eg. You just completed a very intense workout, and you see this delicious piece of pie, you eat a bit of that delicious piece of pie with gusto cause you’ve earned it!( the weeknd reference 😉 )
And that brings me to the most important point of all. You might be thinking – If I’m such an awesome person, and I know that I’m such an awesome person, why don’t people realise it? Well, if you see that piece of specialness in yourself and others don’t, just leave them. Honestly. There’s this quote of Marilyn Monroe to help you out! 🙂


On 19th august, I broke my own record of 67 views in a day! I got 75 views!! If you all keep the love coming, I’m gonna post a lot more often!! And thank you all for your niceness. WordPress really does have a community of amazing people!!

And all that gratitude being said, if you like what I write, please like, comment and subscribe!!! It’s free anyway!

Until next time! 🙂

A recurring dream

I always dream a recurring dream,
Where my friends betray me.
Weren’t we all a team,
He had been bitten hadn’t he?
I always dream a recurring dream,
Why hadn’t he told us before?
The tiny bite mark gleamed,
He was falling to the floor,
I always dream a recurring dream,
Where we all are dead.
All of us couldn’t help but scream,
This was the very end.
We all trapped ourselves in a room,
With him infected.
What could we do?
We didn’t have any bullets left.
We couldn’t run or hide.
We couldn’t kill him.
He was still our kind.
But not for long.
They banged on the door.
Their broken hands asking for more.
Their putrefied flesh rotting the air.
What could we do?
We hadn’t gotten any rest.
We wouldn’t be able to fight
him and his new kin.
They tore open the door.
Their broken hands asking for more.
Their hands reaching to me without care.

And that’s when I wake up from my nightmare of a recurring dream.

Hi everyone! Yes, I usually dream of an impending zombie apocalypse. I am both petrified and interested in  zombies. That being said, my favorite film of all time is Shaun of the dead. It’s a Rom- zom-com. Which is your favorite movie?? Do comment 🙂

If you like what I write, do like, comment and follow! Its free anyway!
Until next time! 🙂

Forever known

You, yes you, take the pain,
Don’t let your inner dragon be slain.
        Those unmoving moments of misery,
         Will permanently etch your name in history.
         You, yes you, take the pain,
         Confidence must be feigned.
Don’t let hard work be an allergy,
Passion is the every – door opening key.
          You, yes you, take the pain.
          What don’t you have to gain?
Just imagine how good it’ll be,
Because from your responsibilities you didn’t flee.
          You, yes you, take THAT pain,
           Be THAT much needed rain.

Hi everybody!!!! I’ve got things to do that I don’t necessarily like. For eg:- studies, exercise. And consequently, I’ve been putting them off. I know these tasks are beneficial for me, but I just feel so lazy. And that’s what exactly made me write this poem. Hope you all get some motivation too!!!!
Ps. I’ve been loving The Weeknd’s song – ‘I can’t feel my face.’ Comment below if you love The Weeknd too!!

And, as always please do like, comment and follow! Its free anyway!!!
Until next time!!