Mammoth Leibster Award


I’ve been nominated for the Leibster Award by AdiC, ateenagediaryonline, Casual Procrastinator, JustAverageTeenMe and lifewithlilred. Thank you all so much for nominating me! I’m honoured and humbled at the same time! Since this is a gigantic post of accumulated questions, I’ve decided to tweak the rules a little as well.

The Rules:

1)Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you and include the Leibster Award sticker in the post.

2)I nominate each and every person who reads this post. You’re all awesome and I would like to know a bit more about everyone! 🙂

3)All nominated bloggers can have any number of followers, since I have more than 200 as well.

4)Answer 11 questions posed by your nominator. You all can answer any questions you like. 🙂

I’ve got a ton of awesome questions to be answered! So let’s get started!

Casual Procrastinator’s questions:

1)What encouraged you to start your blog?

Another blogger encouraged me actually. I saw how easy it was for him to put down thoughts into words, and that’s exactly what inspired me.

2)How do you personally define Love?

Love is trust. Love is the faith. Love is brutal. Love is pain. But nonetheless, Love is magical.

3)What is your favourite food?

Pasta, in any shape or form, in pink sauce. Oh! And also, rajma chawal. It’s red kidney beans in gravy with rice. Super yummy!

4)When did you feel like you blog made it? Or are you still dubious to whether it’s worthy?

Let me describe blogging in three words – Passion. Frustration. Elation.

Blogging is a constant mixture of the three. I do feel like I’ve achieved a few milstones in a short amount of time, but my ultimate goal is to constantly improve my writing style.

5)What’s your favourite video game?

Road Rash and Peggle Deluxe.


6)Do you own a car? What type?

I don’t own a car yet, but I hope to own a Porsche Cayenne someday.


7)How do you take your coffee?

Lot’s of milk and sugar!

8)What does a blog need to have to attract you to it?

Good writing. It’s subjective really. I like many types of diverse blogs.

9)How did you come up with your blog’s name?


Ram – Ramsha, ‘Cause ya know, it’s half of my name.

Exa – Alexa,from the 2009 movie,’ Barbie and the diamond castle.’ Don’t judge me. I made my email when I was 11. And then, Ramexa just kinda stuck.Alexa

Bella – Bella Swan. And also because just Ramexa was taken on WordPress.

10)How long have you been blogging?

I wrote my first post on 26th July, 2015. So, 81 days in total. 🙂

Ateenagediaryonline’s questions:

1)What is your favourite book into movie adaptation and why?

CATCHING FIRE!!!!!!!!!! The movie did full justice to the book!

2)Which is your favourite album ever?

Absolution by Muse. Each and every song is a masterpiece! Especially ‘Hysteria’! If you haven’t heard it, you need to this instant!

3)Who’s your role model?

My mom. She’s amazing at every aspect of her life! She handles life with ease.

4)What is your favourite quote?


If you know which movie this is from,you’re awesome and do comment! 😀

5)What is your clothing style?

Unpredictable. One day all black, with heavy makeup, the next day, all girly with minimum makeup.

6)Do you wear makeup?

Yup. Eye liner, mascara and lip balm to be exact. Also a bit of eyeshadow sometimes.

7)Which is your favourite blog?

They’re just so many! I love each and every blog I follow!

8)Who’s your favourite youtuber?

DAN HOWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aka Danisnotonfire! If you don’t know him, go check him out! He’s the funnist, goofiest, most awkward and most relatable youtuber ever!!!!


10)What is your opinion of ’emo’ or ‘scene’ people?

I like emo people. I just don’t feel like we all should stereotype them.

11)What is the one thing you would love for Christmas?

I already got it! You all will be notified of it very soon! 😉

AdiC’s questions:

1)If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?

The power to influence probabilities. Just think about it, the possibilities are endless!

2)Which is better – Harry Potter the book or the film?

I’ve got a confession to make. I’m currently reading The Philosopher’s stone for the first time ever. Yeah, I know. But, so far, I’m enjoying the book more than the movie.

3)Which is the last picture you took with your phone?

A selfie. A blurry one.

4)What is the colour of your toothbrush?

Blue and white.

5)If you could be a flower, which one would you be?

Lilies. They’re the prettiest of them all!


6)Polar bear or penguin?

Penguins! They’re adorable!


7)You just won a free ticket to anywhere on Earth. Where would you go?

Japan. Japan! JAPAN!!!!!!!

8)Koala bear or panda?



9)If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?

Edward Cullen. I’m still not fully over my Twilight craze phase.

10)What question do you hate to answer?

“Could you say your name again please, I forgot!” Rum-Shaa!! How difficult is that?! It’s just two syllables!

Lifewithlilred’s questions:

1)What’s the one beauty item you cannot live without?


2)Which are three of your favourite bands?

MUSE, Imagine Dragons and Fall Out Boy.

3)The best gift you’ve ever received?

I just received it a few days ago. 😉

4)The weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

Dragon fruit. It’s beautiful from the outside but tasteless from the inside. It’s over-hyped. I’m not attaching a picture of it ’cause I don’t like it at all.

5)Favourite childhood movie?

SHAUN OF THE DEAD!!!!!!! It’s the perfect blend of Zombies, Romance and Comedy!


6)Your favourite pair of shoes?

A simple pair of black slippers.

7)A story of the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Hehe.. I haven’t been on a date yet.

8)Favourite book?

The Hunger Games trilogy!!!!!!!!!


9) Do you have any pets?

Not yet. I want a cat though. Are you a cat or a dog person? Do comment!

10)What is your favourite subject to blog about?


And, finally, JustAverageTeenMe’s questions:

1)What’s your favourite joke?


2)If money didn’t exist, then what would you do in a day?

Watch anime, read and write.

3)What’s your biggest fear?

I’m sorry but I can’t give away my Kryptonite.

4)What do you think should be taught in schools?

Learning should just be made FUN!

5)If you could go back in time, which year would you travel to and why?

The Roaring Twenties! I just adore the fashion!


6)How would your friends describe you?

I asked my best friend this question and she said the following – Vivacious, Practical, Optimistic and full of life. She’s so sweet! She’s the best!

7)Pet peeves?

When people stop in the middle of a crowded area just to text! Just MOVE!

8)How many pillows do you use at night?

One. Not more, not less.

9)Are you a clean or a messy person?

A bit of both!

10)Anything you wish would come back in fashion?

Nothing really. But I hate jeans and leggings! Jeans are too tight. Leggings are too clingy. I want pajamas to be publicly acceptable! VOTE FOR PAJAMAS!!!!

WHEW! This is officially the longest post I’ve ever written! I hope you all like these parts of me that I’ve shared today.

And, as always, if you like what I write, please like, comment and follow! It’s free anyway! 😀

39 thoughts on “Mammoth Leibster Award

  1. OMG I can’t believe u are reading the Philosopher Stone now!! HARRY POTTER IS SO GOOD. I personally prefer the books much more than the movies. Haha

    As for the Hunger Games Trilogy, I’ve read the first 2 but I still haven’t read Mocking Jay yet. I really liked Catching Fire (the movie)! It was so good!! I read the book after the movie (not sure if it made a difference).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats.Loved reading your responses and I have been nominated for a couple of awards that I have to sit down and answer as well but I am bogged down by assignments :(. The questions are interesting and you do love pasta like me 🙂 Nice to know you Ramsha.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Liv

    Um that’s Robots, and my childhood! Also I totally agree on Catching Fire, it was definitely the best movie in that series so far.
    And you probably know I’m a cat person! 😉
    Oh and the roaring twenties is absolutely amazing and The Great Gatsby is beautiful! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Liv

        Both were childhood. I knew it was one of the two and spent like five here minutes debating on which. *face palm* I have failed you Master. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A Super Congratulations to you! 🙂

    I love Meet the Robinsons. I cry every time I see it. The Rob Thomas song, “Little Wonders,” is one of the reasons why.

    By the way, I’m not judging you on the Barbie thing. I seriously enjoyed a movie called Barbie In Princess Power. Yes, I watch all types of movies.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Haha very long post. Loved reading your answer 😊😊 I agree Danisnotonfire is best Youtuber. 😊 Harry Potter is amazing the books are so much better than the films. Alot of answers that I would have put the same😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow this a huge Liebster Award post; it looks like you are quite popular. You have some really interesting answers. I would like to go to Japan for the best anime, manga, video games, and much more.

    Liked by 1 person

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