My real name


Have you ever had to constantly repeat your name over and over again just because it’s so unique and weird? I know I have. Its the story of my life. That’s precisely why meeting someone new is a nightmare for me. That person’s name would be extremely simple to remember. And my name on the other hand is constantly misheard, and mispronounced! It’s damn frustrating!!!
             My name, by the way, drum roll please, is…
              It’s pronounced as Rum – Shaa. Two syllables!! And yet people never seem to remember my name! People always tell me,”I’m sorry but could you please repeat your name once again, its just so difficult to remember it.”
            My plight just doesn’t end there. I live in the vast subtropical country known as India where there are many variations of my name. A few examples of girls names are :- Reshma, Rashmi, Rimsha, Rumsha. I’ve been called all these names, much to my chagrin.  Not only that I’ve once been called Ramesh, which in India is a boy’s name. Sigh.
             A few years ago, there was this kid’s newspaper known as ‘Ya!’ Being a kid myself, I absolutely loved reading that paper. There would be a section in the paper where the kids would send in their art work which would be published along with his/her name and age. I did the same. I drew a girl wearing a beautiful pink and green ball gown. When I checked that week’s paper, my drawing had been published. I was extremely overjoyed until I saw the spelling error. They had printed my name as Rashma. It’s just two syllables! How difficult is that?!
                Not only that, on a school trip a few years ago, my name on the flight ticket had been printed as Kamsha.
               And further, I’ve recently joined an advertising school. It’s been over two months since I’ve enrolled there. A few days ago, one of my classmate, walked over to me and asked me a question and called me Rimsha. Dear readers, please do bear in mind that after two months, we all classmates know each other’s names. And he called me Rimsha!
               All this being said, I absolutely love my name but I would love it if people remembered it more often.

Do you have a unique name? And do people constantly take it for granted and mispronounce it? Do comment and let’s all marvel at the uniqueness of our names.

And, as always, if you like what I write, please like, comment and follow! It’s free anyway!
– Ramsha. 😀

119 thoughts on “My real name

  1. My name is Opher – I chose it, own it and am happy with it. I’ve had it since I was eleven years old. I am pleased to have chosen a unique name just like you Ramsha.
    Most names are given and few are chosen.
    I suppose I have two names. The one that is used by strangers and colleagues and the one that is used by friends. I am Opher. That is the whole me.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I think your name is beautiful! In the UK I love hearing someone’s unique name for the first time, and I try very hard to remember how to pronounce it. My name is Matt, and even though it is the completely simplistic name possible, people still mess that up. I’ve been called Mark a lot, and more often than not Chris. I must look like a Chris or something because that doesn’t sound like Matt. I hope people eventually get your name right Ramsha, great post 😀

    Liked by 4 people

  3. This post made me smile, it’s good to know some people have the same issues with the so-called ‘complexity’ of their names. My name is Tah-Meer-Ah, Tamira. I’ve had people say, “excuse me? Can you repeat that?” more times than i can remember. Whenever someone asks me my name now, i say it is Tami. Making it so much easier on them haha. Tam-Maria is probably the funniest one i’ve hear yet, they decided to hypenate my name. 🙂 i also get a lot of tam-eye-ra.


    Liked by 3 people

  4. My name is My-till-lee(Mythili). No I’m not related to any of the famous ‘Lee’s out there. *sighs*
    I only have this problem when I meet non-Indians. I like your name, it’s unique! What does it mean? 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ramsha is beautiful and yes, very simple. My name, like yours, has 2 syllables and hardly anyone gets it right. My name is Yentl, pronounced like Gentle, but with a Y..Yen-tle. For some reason, I have had many people call me Lentil LOL. And I am latin so having people try to say my name in Spanish is even worse!! Which is why I opt to go by my nickname, Nena (Neh-nah); a term of endearment in Spanish meaning “baby girl”. But in all honesty, I absolutely love my name and would love it if people got it right and didn’t laugh or give me a weird look about it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Haha, yes, but my plight isn’t as unfortunate as yours 😛 I have been called Kamaya and Kimiya, but most people remember my name after one encounter (it is Kimaya, pronounced ki-ma-ya) 😀 Your name is so cute! What’s the meaning? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My name is Tessa. I hated it because I didn’t think it sounds well in english, untill someone wrote a big fanfiction with a girl named Tessa and everyone told me I was so lucky to be called Tessa! I guess my name is okay haha!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. haha i’m not trying to come off ignorant! i saw your comment on my post and just briefly glanced at yours when i came to this post. thats amazing, i’ve heard such incredible things about there, it’s 60:40, india:brazil so i will definitely pick your brain when the time presents itself if you don’t mind!

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  9. Bubbles

    OMG this is exactly my struggle! I’m called Hiba, which is an Arab name given by Pakistani parents- hence not many people can pronounce it XD BTW, I read your name correctly first time so we’re cool right 😛 I totally get your struggle!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I live in the Netherlands, moving around in the expat community, where it is quite normal to be slightly startled by names. If the people you meet are from so many different countries you get used to the fact that you only really “get” their names after you saw them in writing. 🙂
    I think your name is really pretty!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Loved this and loved all the comments. So pleased to meet you, Ramsha. My real name is – wait for it – Jeanette! 🙂 But over the years I’ve been called quite a few things from my dad’s name for me ‘Topsy’, my friends at one school called me ‘Flossie Bangor’ (don’t ask me why, haven’t a clue) to Flash, Lightning, Jet Petrol, Jan and Jeanie, all of which I didn’t mind. The absolute worst, which I hated, was ‘Netty’, which might not seem bad, but when said in a broad Norfolk (English) accent, it sounds dreadful, unwritable, something like ‘Nea-ee’! Ugh! You have a beautiful name, I’ll try and remember it, otherwise I’ll just call you Flo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yours is a wonderful name, Ramsha. People need to pay attention… a person’s name is so important.I have an unusual (?) surname that people have a hard time with, and it’s only one syllable. Baird. The variations are practically endless. Braid, Bard, Beard, Barrard. Unique is good, but it’s not that difficult. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. My name was not as common when growing up (Clarissa) but sometimes I wished it was an easy one because everyone seemed to stumble over it or mispronounce it. I made a mistake naming my son Micah (my-ka) because people pronounce it Mee-kah and if they don’t know him they think I’m speaking about a girl. He hated his name but now glories in it. Unusual names seem to make us unusual people, at times. Love your name, BTW! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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  15. Ive met one other person with my name – Ebru. It’s Turkish but I live in Australia so it isnt exactly “popular”. And I feel your pain, my name is only two syllables as well but NO ONE can pronounce it right! (except my dad). It’s all good though because people always remember me (“the girl with the weird name…ebrewww…hebrew…ebrah”)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You hit me right in the gut with this post! I’m Najma by the way and it’s pronounced Name-ah and I don’t think it should be that hard to remember considering you just asked me my name and all you had to do was put an ‘Ah’ at the end you would have it correct… The struggle is real!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You’re talking about the plight of having a difficult name, try having an easy name like mine ‘Savio’…the first thing you want done and people call out the name that sounds the at office “Savio, can u get me that pen” or at home “Savio, get me a glass of water” or across the road your friend wants to call you…and they’ll go screaming saviiiioooooooo. That’s what an easy name does to people 😉
    Let me add…Ramsha is a first time for me too… let me see if I can remember it after a week.
    Nice to meet you tho 🙂 Nice blog you have here


  18. I think Ramsha is a very beautiful name. It sounds like a name that a princess might have. It sounds very regal. Nothing regal about my name. I changed my first and middle names legally upon turning 18. I chose Rebecca Leah. I wanted to be called Rebecca but most Americans will find a way to shorten a name if at all humanly possible. I did NOT want to be called Becky so i opted to go by my new middle name. I picked two names out of the bible. I live in the so-called “bible thumping south” and people still can’t get my name right. And these people claim to read there bibles on a regular basis. Hah! Most new people i meet call me Lee. I am not always the nicest person so i feel a need to correct them, often 3 to 4 times. I am planning on having a t-shirt printed that will say something to the effect of “please do not forget to add (uh) to the end of my name”.
    Even the simplest of names can be difficult at times.
    Again, your name is very beautiful!

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  20. ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would / smell as sweet’, said the bard. Nonetheless, all names are sweet, each one standing out by the uniqueness of its fragrance emanating from its meaning. So Ramsha, or the face of the moon in Urdu, equates to indumukhi in Sanskrit. The name sounds closest to Ramzan. There is a song in malayalam, my native language, where the lover exclaims ‘Ramzanile chandrikayo?’, meaning ‘are you the beautiful moonlight seen in the month of Ramzan?’ The name Ramsha is the answer…best wishes.

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  22. Pleased to meet you, Ramsha, my name is David but I use the more familiar Dave. You have a beautiful name, and India has so many wonderful people. As does Africa, I have read a few of your posts and you come across as a very intelligent and warm woman.
    With a unique name (at least here in the Western world) you have an opportunity to become famous for the right reasons. I’m so pleased to meet you and wish you love and peace. India has a troubled past and present but I really hope that very soon the world will change and war will end.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I love your name and would never forget it because it is so beautiful. My parents named me Laurie. I hated it and got Lori (pronounced the same but more popular spelling), Laura, Lorraine, Lauren, Lorna, etc. So, when I could I changed my name to Lydia. And guess what? People get it right all the time! Amazing! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  24. My name is quite common these days but when I was younger people always tended to misspell it. My teacher called me Tashia. And on my monthly visits to Doctor, the Dr. always used to make it Piyasa instead of Tiasa.

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